Hello! Today I planned this article a little special on the blog because as you might know if you follow me on social networks , when you read it, I'll be in the plane to New York . Well deserved holiday after a year rather loaded: I had not taken since last summer and having celebrated our 6 years together with my boyfriend this year, we decided to sign the bank accounts of our death warrant and realize one of our dreams, explore the other side of the Atlantic! Among my classes, my job and the blog, I have the impression of having lived a year at 100 miles an hour and finally, these holiday well reflect my state of mind in 2015: sleep less, do more! I do not think the next 10 days are going to be easy, we intend to get up super early to go walking the streets New York and staying out late to enjoy the magnificent views of the rooftops. In short, we will not really sleep but enjoy it thoroughly and then as Bon Jovi said: I'll Sleep When I'm dead. Finally I assure you, I will try not to exhaust myself but I still think I'll be plugged into an electric battery during this stay and I will pay the consequences later!
You have noticed but I publishes articles almost every day on the blog so vacation or not, I do not see myself give up for 10 days. Especially as some of you may still have to wait a little to enjoy their vacation so he was out of the question that I do not offer products in my absence. For you, I got up early, I read as a writer with the inspiration to spare and I planned articles. If I had not, I have been a blogger full of remorse! So I will unfortunately not really respond to your comments in my absence but I read them all when I get back and you will find me whenever I ask again foot on French soil, 28 July! (It is important not to talk to me, I want to cry just thinking about it!)
I embrace you, I'll think you safe and feel free to follow me on Twitter , Instagram or Facebook : I certainly share some beautiful scenery, great burgers and all the discoveries that I can do during my trip! History you travel a little, you too, when I return, I will publish small vlogs!
A très vite !
(living the american dream)
(living the american dream)
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